Jaein Land

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18 February 2021

[Paper Notes] Complex Embeddings for Simple Link Prediction (2016) (1)

Theo Trouillon, Johannes Welbl, Sebastian Riedel, Eric Gaussier, Guillaume Bouchard

Keywords: NLP, Link Prediction, Embedding Model, Complex Embedding

paper link

Statement: I recently started posting paper reviews in my blog for my research on NLP. However, I am not yet a professional researcher as well as English is not my native language so that my posts might have some incorrect descriptions. I hope whoever reading my post understand my situation and I will be very grateful if you correct any wrong information. <3 The comment section will be added to my blog very soon!!

In this post, I only describe general concepts of this paper. Theoretical contents is introduced in this post.

Motivation and General Idea

In link prediction, many relations are non-deterministic. For example, the combination of the two facts IsBornIn(John, Athens) and IsLocatedIn(Athens, Greece) does not always imply HasNationality(John, Greece) is true.

To do so, the authors believe it is required to handle them in a probabilistic fashion involving the properties sucn as reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity. In the previous works, dealing with anti-symmetric relations always implied an explosion of the number of parameters making models prone to overfitting. So that the finding the best ratio between expressiveness and parameter space size is the keystone of embedding models while dealing with anti-symmetric relations:

To address this, in this work, complex embeddings are used instead of real-number embeddings, which involves Hermitian dot prodoct. In this way, it is able to take advantages of both of:


The author applied complex values to latent factorization calculations to induce efficient handling of antisymmetric relations. Compared with the existing SOTA models, this approach is more “simple” since it uses only the Hermitian dot product. Also, since it is linear in space and time, it can be applied to large datasets.

At last, The author gave some suggestions on possible future works. The first is merging their approaches to known tensor factorization in order to improve predictive performance. For example, parewise embeddings and complex numbers being used together might lead to the works involve non-compositionality. Another one is to develop negative sampling procedure to generate informative nagative samples.

Paper Structure

  1. Discription of intuition of using complex embeddings: As demonstration, author applied complex embeddings in the square matrix case in which there is only a single relation between entities.
  2. Applying complex embeddings to the case of multiple relations: Extended the formulation to a 3-dimension matrix.
  3. Experiments on large scale KBs: Experiments on large-scale benchmark KBs demonstrated the approach is not only simple and fast, but also showed improvement on accuracy over SOTA models.